Sorry about the lack of postings, but I've had another challenge to face. It became apparent after the last script meeting that the new Producer wasn't on the same page as me. This was obvious when I received 2 pages of notes about the first 3 pages of the script. The notes also portrayed a lack of understanding of what I wanted to achieve with this script.
Also as you have become aware from previous 'posts', I was beginning to doubt that we could pull a crew together and make the film for the budget that we have. I had to do a lot of thinking and also had long discussions with Richard and Dustin about the film. It was quite obvious that I couldn't make this film in its current form without compromising the vision due to costs and a differing vision with the Producer.
So I have decided to cancel the December shoot with view of taking the script and applying for funding to make it through one of the initiatives from either FTI or Screen Australia, depending what I may be eligible for.
Unfortunately Camille is in Taiwan and out of contact for the moment, but I have sent her an email endeavoring to explain my concerns. I am still waiting for her to resurface to get a response, but I am not hopeful for it being positive.
It's probably back to the drawing board and renewed search for the 'right' Producer, but I am confident in the quality of the story and the talented cast we have involved.
Things happen for a reason and this project is not dead and buried, it will be made... the question is how and when.
Stay Tuned!