Saturday, October 25, 2008

Location Reccie

Richard, Michael and I went down to Bassendean Oval this afternoon for a location reccie.  It is such a cool location, very much the old school suburban football ground from the glory years of the WAFL.

The location offered up a number of excellent areas where we could stage the action from script and if we don't get access to the interiors (I know Michael will get us access), then we could shoot the whole thing outside.
This is a photo of Richard playing the coach on locaiton.


We've been frantically trying to put together a list of possible cast for the trailer, calling on lots of actors we know in the hope that they will come and play.

Some crew have been sourced, but more to come.  

We had a little hiccup with Swans in that we might not be able to use the inside of any building.  

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 3?

I've lost track of the timeline, but that's OK I'll just update you on the happenings to date.  

Michael Facey has come onboard as Producer and will be working closely with Richard and I to get the Pilot completed.  Michael is a really dedicated young producer, or I wouldn't be working with him.  

Many emails went flying between the three of us last night, in an effort to nail down some definite cast and also generate ideas.  Richard has many contacts and Michael knows a lot of the WAAPA crew, so between us I was hopeful.  Today I secured David (iinet) Smyth and sounded out Igor Sas.  Richard contacted Rhoda Lopez and by chance she will be in Midland on that day of the shoot, so hopefully that will work out.  Emails have gone out to more actors, but we are still awaiting confirmations.

Michael has managed to secure Bassendean Oval and hopefully Swan District FC will come to the party as well.

We now have an Editor and a Gaffer... Dave Le May will be getting back to me with his availability to DOP, depending on an interstate trip.

Everyone is working very hard and I am confident we will make a good film!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 2

Lots of communications and Richard has delivered a seven page script for the Pilot, that only needs to be a maximum of three minutes.  We have enough material from when we were developing the idea before, but it is now a question of the tone of the piece.

Much to do...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

In and Under

It has been a while since my last post and I apologise for the delay.  Camille has since got back in touch with me and it appears that we have agreed to disagree on the script and I will now be moving forward in search of a new Producer and funding possibilities.

Dustin called today, he is submitting something into the One 80 Project and he would like to put me down as the Director.  Absolutely I replied.  I have taken a look at the trailer and it looks pretty solid.  It will now be up to the supporting material he can come up with.

He has inspired me to look at what I might have in the vaults.  Richard and I have been developing a TV series that I think would be a perfect fit for the competition.  He agreed and we are going to attempt to also put something in.  The catch is, there is only 21 Days until the competition closes.

So for the next 21 Days this Blog will be focusing on our attempt.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Decision Time

Sorry about the lack of postings, but I've had another challenge to face.  It became apparent after the last script meeting that the new Producer wasn't on the same page as me.  This was obvious when I received 2 pages of notes about the first 3 pages of the script.  The notes also portrayed a lack of understanding of what I wanted to achieve with this script.

Also as you have become aware from previous 'posts', I was beginning to doubt that we could pull a crew together and make the film for the budget that we have.  I had to do a lot of thinking and also had long discussions with Richard and Dustin about the film.  It was quite obvious that I couldn't make this film in its current form without compromising the vision due to costs and a differing vision with the Producer.

So I have decided to cancel the December shoot with view of taking the script and applying for funding to make it through one of the initiatives from either FTI or Screen Australia, depending what I may be eligible for.

Unfortunately Camille is in Taiwan and out of contact for the moment, but I have sent her an email endeavoring to explain my concerns.  I am still waiting for her to resurface to get a response, but I am not hopeful for it being positive. 

It's probably back to the drawing board and renewed search for the 'right' Producer, but I am confident in the quality of the story and the talented cast we have involved.  

Things happen for a reason and this project is not dead and buried, it will be made... the question is how and when.

Stay Tuned!