Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kanowna (short film) The Script

So the script I had was only half ready and obviously I couldn't present it in that form.  So I jumped in and started writing again.  Kanowna is the first script I have written in 10 years, the last was my graduation film from TAFE which was too long, not very subtle in its messages and probably too obtuse.

It was a great exercise for my development as a writer and my process.  I started with a feeling, an emotion that I imagined what the film would be.  I then proceeded to a scene breakdown which progressed through the structure of the story.  Once I was happy with the structure, I then filled it out, making adjustments and re-arranging things as I felt necessary.

Then I gave it over to Richard Hyde, who I have collaborated with on a number of projects and he did a script edit.  Not much changed, he suggested changing the sequence of a couple scenes and deleting one or two.  The biggest changes were suggested in the dialogue where I was tending to state subtext.  We met and discussed the changes and I was very happy with his suggestions, with only a couple adjustments of my own.

So in a week we had a fully fledged 1st Draft.

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