Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The assemble

I finally got to see the first assemble edit today!  It was great to see the shots all laid out according to the script and also to see some of the shots for the first time.  Current running time is 18 minutes, but there is no need for concern, I gave Sarah, our Editor some notes about who to focus on in scenes and how the 2nd Unit shots will add more layers to the film, while giving the story spaces to breathe. 

Things I noticed, well it's working so that's great, it looks lovely and the performances are strong, believable and serve the story.  There is still a lot of work to be done to shape the edit to its best potential, but I am excited.  Editing is always a frustrating, fun, exhilarating and ultimately fulfilling process, but the problem is you come home with all these possibilities playing in your mind of how the cut could work or what edit serves the story the best. 

I can't wait to see the film take more shape!

So final notes about the edit: be true to the emotion, it was written as a slowly paced, lingering film, so keep that in mind without blowing our desired 12-15 minute duration and cut to Mathilda whenever possible (joke)!

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