Thursday, September 18, 2008


Spent the evening re-working the script. Of course when you try to make slight changes, holes in the plot, sequence or whatever slowly emerge and you've got to think things through whilst trying to stay true to the vision. It got quite late and I lost a bit of focus so am not sure if it really works. Richard has got the new version and is going to take a look at it this today. Also got some interesting feedback from Grando who hopefully will be available to 1st the film. Grando is a good Producer and I value his feedback. He raised some interesting and valid points which I will have to think about.

Am meeting a possible for Osarno tomorrow afternoon and will give you an update after that.

Also got FANTASTIC news today, that Dustin scored the role he was going for (Sorry NDA's in place)... anyway, it is good for Kanowna and great for him. I'm really excited for him! Onya Dusto!

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